Arcania: Gothic 4 and its expansion Arcania: Fall of Setarriff were recently ported to the PS3 and Xbox 360 as Arcania: The Complete Tale. Gothic 4 was developed by Spellbound Entertainment instead of Piranha Bytes, the team that developed the first 3 installments in the Gothic series. I can’t speak to how true this game stays to the rest of the Gothic series, or how it compares to its PC counterpart since I haven’t played them; but after playing the PS3 port, I’m sure I don’t need to pick up any of the other iterations to form my opinion on The Complete Tale (For the sake of simplicity from here on out, whenever I say “Arcania”, I’m referring to Arcania: The Complete Tale).
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Akirabox (BEST) – Click Here
Multiup – Click Here
TeraBox – Click Here
Repack Features
unprotected game (crack is not necessary). Updated to version (Gothic 4) / 1.1496.0.0 (Fall of Setarrif).
- Included content: Arcania: A Gothic Tale + Arcania: Fall of Setarrif.
- Upload size / to download: 12567MB
- ISO image size: 12567MB
- Number of compressions: only one
- Data recovery: none
- Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian (Hungarian is not present in Fall of Setarrif)
- Dubbing/Audio: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish