A unique psychological action thriller delivered by A-list Hollywood performances by Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe, Beyond: Two Souls™ takes you on a thrilling journey across the globe as you play out the remarkable life of Jodie Holmes.
Selective Download – Click Here
Torrent – Click Here
DL(5GB) – Click Here
DL(2GB) – Click Here
Repack Features
- Based on Beyond.Two.Souls.MULTi24-PLAZA ISO release: plaza-beyond.two.souls.multi24.iso (62,596,218,880 bytes)
- Game version is Build 5117920 (Steam, June 18, 2020)
- Alternative HOODLUM crack and Goldberg Emu are avaialble in NoDVD folder after installation; both fixing the issue with non-working controllers
- Use BeyondTwoSouls_Steam_Letterbox_Removed.exe to play the game without black borders
- 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
- NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
- Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of credits/bonus videos and voicepacks you don’t need. English voiceovers and text support for 24 languages are included by default
- Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 58.3 to 10.7~21.5 GB, depending on selected components)
- Installation takes (one language, no bonus content): ~20 minutes on 8-threads CPU; ~35 minutes on 4-threads CPU; every additional language adds 2-5 minutes and bonus videos – another 5-10 minutes
- After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
- HDD space after installation: up to 74 GB
- Use “language.audio.changer.exe” in game root to change the game AUDIO language, text language can be changed in game settings
- Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
- At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Selective Download
You can skip downloading of bonus/credits videos voicepacks you don’t need. English voiceovers and text support for 24 languages are included by default. Here is the list of optional files.
- fg-optional-bonus-videos.bin (included 8 bonus videos)
- fg-optional-credits.bin (includes 2 credits videos)
- fg-optional-brazilian.bin
- fg-optional-dutch.bin
- fg-optional-french.bin
- fg-optional-german.bin
- fg-optional-italian.bin
- fg-optional-japanese.bin
- fg-optional-mexican.bin
- fg-optional-polish.bin
- fg-optional-portuguese.bin
- fg-optional-russian.bin
- fg-optional-spanish.bin