Description :
Meet the new era of Call of Duty.
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, players will experience an unprecedented global conflict involving the legendary performers from OTG-141. In the single-player campaign, you’ll travel around the world on missions ranging from small but mission-critical tactical strikes to top-secret operations.
Infinity Ward offers fans a state-of-the-art game experience with new weapon mechanics, advanced AI, updated weapon tuning system, and many other advanced graphics and gameplay solutions.
From day one, Modern Warfare II will feature a massive single-player campaign, exciting multiplayer modes, and co-op story-driven Special Ops.
Vail Edition
-Campaign access now- ‘Red Team 141’ performer pack:- 4 performers: Ghost, Soap, Farah and Price- FJX ‘Cinder’ – the very first armory- Battle Pass (Season 1) + 50 stages
Language Pack – Click Here
ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS By default (No Need To Download)
mediafire – Click Here
buzzheavier – Click Here
multiup – Click Here
pixeldrain – Click Here
mypikpak – Click Here
Telegram – Click Here
DL – Click Here
TeraBox– Click Here
:-=Single Part=-:
Qiwi – Click Here
buzzheavier – Click Here
DOWNLOAD NEW Greenluma from :
Disable antivirus or add files to exclusions!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare II (2022) (Bypass with Story Campaign Unlock) (New Guide)[GameDriveOrg] – UPDATED- 04/07/2024
Tnx to J4W3R352 & Tauq for new bypass + guide, tnx to Peter Parker for new game files
Important note: You must first launch Call of Duty HQ atleast once before using greenluma and koalageddon. Otherwise you’re game will show update and not play.
Warzone 2 –
0) Download Call of Duty: Warzone from Steam. Launch the game, accept the license agreement, and log in to your Activision . Once you’re in the game menu, exit and fully close Steam. Restart Steam, and if prompted for an update, make sure to install it before proceeding.
1) Download MW2 Fils and extract and Paste the SP22 folder to where you downloaded warzone.
Move the sp22 folder to steamapps\common\Call of Duty HQ
2) Download Greenluma and KoalageddonV1
[] & []3) Extract Greenluma Go into NormalMode and then copy everything and paste it in Steam root directory.
4) Open the settings in
And open the Config.JSONC file with notepad and replace the code
MW2 Code –Click Here
4) Install KoalageddonV1 then open it and go to steam, click on install then scroll down and set default game status to unlocked.
5) Go to steam main directory and then open dllinjector.exe
6) Type 5 and then paste this:
- 783409
- 1962660
- 1962661
- 1962662
- 2050170
7) Steam will launch and then open Call of Duty.
8) Scroll down in Cod HQ and once in MW2 tab scroll to the right and select campaign.
9) Now you can play the game.
Launch CoD HQ > Close MOTD > go to All Games(Top bar using the RB button on the controller or corresponding key ) > Play MW2 > Launch MWII Campaign
Repack Features
Based on Peter Parker Files
Game Version : NA
Make a video please
I don’t understand it
This is a terrible way of instructions! One point in trying i wasted my time on this and just virus on the greenluma files just do a instructions video please
finally .. you are legend
Tell me if it works as I could make it work last time its so Annoying lol
mne full game download ki or copy past ki . but phr bhi purchase aa rhi play ni ho rhi
not play game purchased option
Did you followed video?
I think you did or skipped some steps
i also follow ur video bro but not play purchase option
please help me
now again i try but still purchased option
i download ur game in 4 days please help me now .
see this bro
Single player not working ??
so how to play please tell me bro??
Watch video
i am watching already again and again but i dont understnd please help me
explain to me how you know it works if you can’t even test it
same here
did you find a solution
i seen your video again right now but still have problem purchsed
hello guys, im stuck on this page here when running the game. ive followed the steps provided

Don’t try co op
Only single player
multiplayer offline with bots ?
not working.
Required Tools Web Error Please Reupload Brow
do I need to download BOTH DL or just need 1 and also what’s the difference between DL(5gb) and DL(2gb)
5gb dl = 5gb parts
Only download any 1 not both
working on the latest steam???
still works?
how do i fix stuttering cutscenes
Is still work?
it ask for a update and i done it and game will say to purchase it what would i do
Ignore update
it still works to this day
campaign works for me, thank you
one question, what would happen if I tried to play online?? I mean, I have my account and all that.
I closed the game when I had to leave to work, and when I came back the game won’t open. In steam it just shows the update button, and when I click it nothing happens. Can’t open the file directly from file explorer either, it won’t open. Any fix?
Do I Need To Download Warzone 2.0 And This Game Files To Play Modern Warfare 2 Story Mode?
Does this game still works on todays date ?
sp-00002.xsub is corrupted in Cod.MW.II.Vault.Edition.5GB-GameDrive.Org.part11.rar
redownload part11 only
i got a error verify files when i start game
it says One or more single player dlc packs missing. any fix? it was working until 28 may when I last played
My antivirus don’t allow me to download required tools, says it’s a virus.. is it safe to ignore it???
You can search, the tools we install are reliable and have been updated for years and are open source.
pls help i click play the game wont open and the play button just appears again
pls man i waited 2 days for the download to finish
pls help me man i’ve waited two days for the download to finish
i did all the steps but when i click play the game wont open and the play button appears again
Still working.
how to fix content still encrypted
IT HECKIN WORKS as of July 24 2023
How? i have content encrypted when i start
Really? Is it still working?
how? i have content still encrypted when i start
Content still encrypted while starting the game after today’s update?
Help, I can’t run DLLinjector.exe. It says error
Not Working.. Game Is Not Available…Any Fixes
Game Is Not Working Checked On Aug 2. Any Fixes. Show Game Is Not Available
not working after season 5 update
it’s not working after season 5 update
it’s still working i tried it today.
Sigue funcionando lo probe hoy.
como lo hiciste?
a mi me pide aceptar la licencia antes de actualizar y en el tutorial piden actualizar antes de aceptar la licencia
yo lo hice antes de la actualización compa, y termine la campaña ese mismo dÃa, después que se actualizo no quiso funcionar mas, no probé de nuevo pero calculo que si instalas todos desde cero deberia funcionar.
why does it crash every moment. the message was enable steam verify integrity error something and I have to relaunch steam again just to play it.
I did all the steps and it didn’t work
any updates on this? getting error encrypted any fis thanks..
after adding ids nothing happen.dlc not showing
Still working
Skill issue
Yeah could be
the game works but after mission violence and timing the game crash, when i started the game once again i got back to the first mission..any fix to this? thank you.
the game works but after mission violence and timing the game crash, when i started the game once again i got back to the first mission..any fix to this? thank you.
do i need to put the whole COD HQ folder on the steam common folder? or just the SP22 folder?
in the video he moves the whole COD HQ folder to the commons app but in the install guide it says to only move the SP22 folder
wich one am i suposed to move?
Anyone know how to change the language?
It just works
When I enter the game, when I press alt f4 in the license section, I exit the game, but it appears again. What should I do here?
When I enter the game, when I press alt f4 in the license section, I exit the game, but it appears again. What should I do here?
September 21, 2023.
I confirm it still works, just follow the instructions carefully. I also suggest go to CS RIN RU, look for the topic of this game and download the Steam config file to stop Steam from auto-updating.
Man is this still working ????
Should i give it a try and if yes any advice??
do a little bit of snooping around on cs rin ru to find more information on certain bugs/problems/crashes you might face on trying to play this game. Trust me it works perfectly if you research well enough
Oh okay but man that site look cluttered. And i can’t find the source to read about. Think imma use this site info only
or any help on the cs rin ru site?
keep scrolling till you find a modern warfare 2 (2022) (Uncracked/ Not cracked)
The last guide there was posted on Jan 2023 does that still works. And I can’t find the steam auto update config I searched the topic
keep scrolling till you find a modern warfare 2 (2022) (Uncracked/ Not cracked)
Yes, it’s still working and you definitely should give it a try!
As I said above, you’ll need to pay attention to some problems that may arise during gameplay:
– Steam auto updating (preventable by using the config file)
– Lighting glitches (fix by deleting caches)
I appreciate. Thanks
Imma give it a shot this weekend.
can we play multiplayer offline ? like with bots