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EssentialPIM Pro BE 11.6 (Repack & Portable)


EssentialPIM Pro BE (Repack & Portable)  is a universal multilingual personal information organizer with a convenient and multifunctional interface and various features. Functionality includes options for calendar, to-do, notes, contacts, mail, passwords, and sync with Android and iPhone/iPad.

In addition, the service has built-in support for the Dropbox service. The program uses the Firebird open source database, which provides constant access to files, allowing you to create your own plug-ins and applications.


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Repack Features

  1. Combined in one distribution installation of the program or unpacking of the portable version
  2. Does not require registration (pawel97 patch)
  3. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
  4. Optional installation of Firebird server (if network database synchronization is required)
  5. Picks up the EPIM.ini settings file (if located next to the installer)
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