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Forza Horizon 5 Update v1.563.816.0– 1.567.563.0 [P2P] / Forza Horizon 5 Update 1.567.563.0 Pc Download

We’re constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 5. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this update.

Version Number:

  • Xbox One: 2.567.563.0
  • Xbox Series: 3.567.563.0
  • PC: 3.567.563.0
  • Steam: 1.567.563.0


  • [PC] Fixed an issue where the game client could crash while in Benchmark mode
  • Improved game stability in Eliminator where sometimes players could experience crashes while being challenged in a head 2 head
  • Reduced the cost of some EventLab props after previous budget miscalculation fix

Playground Games Developer’s Note:

In the previous Forza Horizon 5 update, Horizon Wilds Takeover, we fixed a miscalculation with the EventLab props budget when entering the Blueprint Builder. This meant that existing events jumped in budget usage when compared to previous versions of the game. The purpose of this change was to ensure the stability of our game on all platforms, as we observed several instances of game crashes in highly detailed events, which was caused by limited memory capacity on some devices.

We’ve listened to your feedback and now understand that we underestimated the impact this would have on EventLab creators, especially those in the middle of creating complex events. We apologise for this.

We’ve reviewed, recalculated, and optimized our limits to bring them as close as possible to those in previous versions of the game while maintaining game stability on all platforms.

Please note after this update, there will still be a small increase in the budget usage of props when compared to earlier versions of the game, however we expect this will be much reduced and should be enough that players can edit their events to bring themselves back under budget.

We thank you for the passion you put into your amazing EventLab creations, we love seeing what you’re capable of creating with our tools


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