Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas — a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs, and corruption. Where film stars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.
Now, it’s the early ’90s. Carl’s got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading toward disaster.
On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets.
Akirabox (BEST) – Click Here
Multiup (BEST) – Click Here
DL – Click Here
Vikingfile– Click Here
Repack Features
Game is already cracked after installation (crack by Deviance). Updated to version 1.01. Change language in game options. Problems with mouse – start game with Windows 98 compatibility.
- Upload size / to download: 3430MB
- ISO image size: 3430MB
- Number of compressions: only one
- Data recovery: none
- Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil (unofficial), Czech (unofficial), Slovak (unofficial)
- Dubbing/Audio: English
Can’t download the file. There’s message ‘
Run this Repl to see the results here.’
work fine here
Ok nevermind. I disabled uBlock Origin and now can start download.
The default settings could be fine but I’m currently using the optimized settings recommended at reddit r/Piracy (https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/#wiki_.26F5_.279C_not_so_fast_sailor.21_do_this_first) so it could mess something up…