Hogwarts Legacy patch notes: Update changes explained on PC
The Hogwarts Legacy developers released an update last night (Friday 17th February) for PS5 and PC players, with a hefty pile of patch notes to explain exactly what has changed in the hot new Wizarding World game.
This follows on from an update earlier in the week — that previous one dropped on Tuesday 14th February, and it specifically helped out Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC players.
So, what has changed in all three versions of the game that are currently available? Before you jump back into learning spells and breeding beasts, read this article and we’ll round up the latest patch notes.
Latest Hogwarts Legacy update patch notes
- Fixed issues with achievement data being properly pushed to Wizarding World portal after linking
- Added additional retry connections to WB Games server in the event session expired
- Fixed a trophy cap limit resolving the Collector’s Edition trophy not updating correctly. This will retroactively unlock and display all earned trophies earned by the player.
Owl Mail
- Fixed an issue with mail not properly triggering a sequential mission
World Events
- Fixed rare crash around certain locations where in-game World Events spawn
- Fixed a rare crash when respawning NPCs in the world
- Fixed crash with some NPC schedules
- Fixed issues with flickering occurring with a transparent head while hair is still present
- Updated localization text for additional content items
- Added Build version to first time EULA
- Fixed rare occurrence of mission descriptions not being displayed correctly
- Corrected VFX presentation of robe transformation
- Fixed a stability issue when skipping cutscenes
- Fixed a crash when playing cutscenes and cinematics
Save Game
- Cleaned up autosaves properly when closing game
- Corrected a crash when save system was writing data
- Fixed error of rewriting last autosave slot
- Fixed an issue when restarting from last save around not being able to talk to a vendor after initial conversation.
Performance and Stability
- Improved performance on Fidelity mode
- Fixed rare crash around hovering over the map
- Fixed issue with wind causing distortion and stretching of world assets
- Fixed a rare occurrence with material swapping
- Fixed a rare crash with map assets state
- Fixed Rare crash occurring with in-game world events
- Fixed a memory leak with global lighting system
- Fixed a crash when trying to solve a Flying Cabinet
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All Credit To Rui
Open “Update Files” And Copy all items IN That Folder and paste In Your Game directory
Re-apply Crack Only
- Loose files update (Size approx. 35GB)
- Requires build 10461750 (or above) installed
Will this update work on DODI repack ?
work in all files
this file has some error. Unable to download it!
here working fine
I am unable to download:( It says that throttled
Read pin comment
Yea trying for over half hour with refreshing every couple seconds to get link 2 this is bugged
The item cannot be found. Please check if file exist.
The item cannot be found.
Please check if the file exist.
The item cannot be found. Please check if the file exist.
Tested 3 time
What’s the total size of this update?
i followed this step and its still giving this error
{“error”:{“code”:”activityLimitReached”,”innerError”:{“code”:”throttledRequest”,”innerError”:{“code”:”quota”}},”message”:”The request has been throttled”,”retryAfterSeconds”:5,”@error.X-ClientErrorCode”:”quota”}}
its working now , btw thanks for the consistent uploads much appreciated
Doesnt help
Didnt work
{“error”:{“code”:”activityLimitReached”,”innerError”:{“code”:”throttledRequest”,”innerError”:{“code”:”quota”}},”message”:”The request has been throttled”,”retryAfterSeconds”:3805,”@error.X-ClientErrorCode”:”quota”}}
refreshed 100 times doesn’t work
This update doesn't come with the Hogsmeade Haunted Shop quest or am I not doing something there??? Please reply….———
This update doesn't come with the Hogsmeade Haunted Shop quest or am I not doing something there??? Please reply….
Good afternoon, evening?? I don't know haha ​​— I have your version of Hogwart Legacy ELAMIGOS …. VERSION v1117238 AND I UPDATED IT TO Hogwarts Legacy Update 3 (AiO) / Hogwarts Legacy Update 3 This update is not coming, as Elamigos does not have the Hogsmeade haunted shop mission, the truth is I want to play that mission, I know that for PC… on Steam it is already… complete… can you help me by telling me where I can download it or something? thanks sincerely Emilia from Argentina
is this working properly with empress’ crack?
Any chance of a torrent or Mega links?
Everyone his links works 100% super speed but when u see error while clicking u can’t able to download just go back and click again that link keep doing that process it’ll work eventually that’s I can guarantee 😊
{“error”:{“code”:”activityLimitReached”,”innerError”:{“code”:”throttledRequest”,”innerError”:{“code”:”quota”}},”message”:”The request has been throttled”,”retryAfterSeconds”:3883,”@error.X-ClientErrorCode”:”quota”}}
Do i really have to wait an hour to download one of the seven files? After that an hour again..?
Anyone having issues with downloading:
A repacker named x.X.RIDDICK.X.x has the same update, same changelog but called “update 1”, but it’s compressed to around 900mb but needs around 35GB space.
Here is the link for 3 download sites: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/81F720A143.html
Passwort for the archive is: .x.X.RIDDICK.X.x.
Original source: https://boerse.cx/thema/hogwarts-legacy-digital-deluxe-edition-update-1-multi2-x-x-riddick-x-x.155689/
You have to register to see the post, Riddick is well known in the german scene.
Maybe gamedrive can compress the files aswell, as it seems like they can be heavily compressed.
Edit: And after installing update, go to EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworksSteamv154Win64 and open steam_api64.ini
Change language to english as the update changes it to german.
DL 2GB ?
No, same files, but smaller parts. Its for convenience
Don’t download 5GB DL asks for username and password at 99% download
DL 5GB links will ask for user name and password at 99%
Refresh download link
do Google how to re fresh download link
yes that worked thanks a lot
downloading 5GB Links at 99%

same, any solution?
Refresh download link
do Google how to re fresh download link
Yes refresh link and it will finish
What is the game build after this update?
[Build 10530487][v1121649]
This “update” uses the old crack from empress so the build number doesn’t change, but it replaces around 35GB of files.
So this is not the same as the official update, it could make the game run better because it replaces a lot of stuff, but the new .exe hasn’t been cracked.
If you look at my other post where I provided a faster way to update, the repacker Ridick writes in his notes (translated by deepl):
“Important INFO:
Frankensteinbuild means that these are the current game files with the old crack [EXE] the game runs but it is not ensured that fixes will be applied or that any bugs will occur. For this by default the option Backup is activated in the second setup so you can
switch back to the old version but you need 35 GB of additional space. Nobody has to install it, it is only for testing.”
This site has the same update but much smaller at 84MB. That is why I am confused on the size, content and build of this 35GB update.
Thanks for the additional information.
Re-apply crack means?
1.I downloaded the final repack,installed.
2.downloaded this update.
3.copy paste in installed game folder.
Is it the correct?Please help.
Apply crack only
does this work with the empress repack, the game I’m running is still the one she cracked weeks ago so don’t want to mess up my game if I have to download other updates first? only asking since the notes say requires build 10461750 (or above) installed and I’m not sure what to do
If have EMPRESS crack
Then just update this
No need others update
With the new update related today should we be waiting on a new cracked update or will this crack work with the newest version?
there’s a new update out now… when this will be updated?
i cant open my safe file after the update. i could see the list of my saved character inside the game, but when i selected it, the game came back to welcome screen. i can start a new safe file just fine, but i don’t want to do that obviously. anyone having the same issue as i have? any solution for this ?
any update for this problem ?
why update on dodi’s site”AiO Update v1121649″ is much smaller at 84MB? whereas this update is 35gb.
hey there is a big problem no dialogue sound
i copy-ed the files in the game-s folder, but now, when i want to start the game it’s write steamclient64 error. Someone can help me pls what should i do?
I use 7zip to unzip DL5 files
but failed to unzip with ucas files included
can anyone help?
i got the v1117238 do i need this update or not? thanks
how do you fix unable to load steam_api64.dll
Re download crack only file and apply.
which like isn’t a torrent?
BRO UPDATE link for 6,7 ,8 and 9 throttle limit reached
Good afternoon, evening?? I don't know haha ​​— I have your version of Hogwart Legacy ELAMIGOS …. VERSION v1117238 AND I UPDATED IT TO Hogwarts Legacy Update 3 (AiO) / Hogwarts Legacy Update 3 This update is not coming, as Elamigos does not have the Hogsmeade haunted shop mission, the truth is I want to play that mission, I know that for PC… on Steam it is already… complete… can you help me by telling me where I can download it or something? thanks sincerely Emilia from Argentina.-