Narrated by one of the most popular British actors, Sean Bean, Kholat is an exploration adventure game with elements of horror, inspired by a true event known as the Dyatlov Pass incident – a mysterious death of nine Russian hikers, which led to countless, unconfirmed hypotheses.
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Repack Features
game is already cracked after installation (crack by Reloaded). Updated to version 1.03 (20.12.2016).
- Included bonus content: Soundtrack (FLAC/Lossless), Comic Book, Map, Poster.
- Upload size / to download: 3538MB
- ISO image size: 3538MB
- Number of compressions: only one
- Data recovery: none
- Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Japanese
- Dubbing/Audio: English, Polish