The game takes place in a fictional fantasy world based on Slavic mythology. Players control Geralt of Rivia, a monster slayer for hire known as a Witcher, and search for his adopted daughter, who is on the run from the otherworldly Wild Hunt.
Torrent – Click Here
DL.1 – Click Here
DL.2 – Click Here
Version Requires For This Update :Â —v4.00 H2—
- The full STEAM game v4.00 Hotfix 2 b10195020 (the update will most probably work on the GOG game build as well, but this has not been tested) is required for this patch.
- At least 3 GB of free RAM and 55 GB of free disk space (on the partition you’re going to use the update on) are required for this patch.
- This patch WILL WORK on “incomplete” installations. If you encounter errors, check “FileNOTfound.txt” and make sure that only files you actually removed yourself threw an error (BEFORE hitting “N” when being asked).
- Copy the contents of my “Update” folder to your root game directory and run the .bat file to patch your game.