MPB Pure Windows 10 21H1 19043.1081 x64 Pre-Activated is a customized Windows 10 build that removes unnecessary software and services to optimize a faster and smoother build.
General Information
- Version: MPB Pure THE II Windows 10 PRO 21H1 19043.1081.iso
- OS build: (21H1) 19043.1081
- Arch: x64
- Compression: esd
- File Size: 1.2 GB
- Treatment: Windows are activated
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- RAM: 2GB or Higher
- Hard Disk: Atleast 25gb or Higher
- Processor: 2-4 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 cores or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor
- First Logon Animation
- Snipping Tool
- Speech Recognition
- Assigned Access
- Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
- Face Recognition
- Kernel Debugging
- Picture Password
- Pin SignIn Support
- Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)
- Windows Error Reporting
- Windows Insider Hub
- Device Lockdown (Embedded Experience)
- Ease of Access Themes
- Easy Transfer
- File History
- Manual Setup
- Security Center
- Steps Recorder
- Windows Subsystem For Linux
- Windows To Go
- Assigned Access Lock App
- Azure Active Directory AppX Broker Plugin
- Bio Enrollment App
- Calling Shell App
- Camera Barcode Scanner
- Edge Classic Browser
- Edge Developer Tools Clien
- Eye Control App
- File Explorer App
- Lockscreen App
- Map Control
- Narrator QuickStart
- OneDrive Desktop Client
- Parental Controls
- People Bar
- Retail Demo Content
- Setting Sync
- Skype ORTC
- Smart Screen
- Take Test App
- Win32 Web View Host
- Windows Defender App
- Windows Mixed Reality
- Windows Reader (PDF)
- Windows Store Back-end Client
- Xbox Console Companion Back-end Client
- Xbox Live (XboxGameCallableUI)
- 3D Viewer
- Advertising Xaml
- Alarms & Clock
- Cortana
- Camera
- Calculator
- Desktop App Installer
- Feedback Hub
- Get Help
- Google’s VP9 WebM Video Codec Plugin
- Groove Music
- High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) Codec Plugin
- Maps
- Microsoft Pay
- Mixed Reality Portal
- Films & TV
- My Office
- OneNote
- Paint 3D
- People
- Photos
- Screen Sketch
- Services Store Engagement
- Skype
- Solitaire Collection
- Sticky Notes
- Store Purchase App
- Tips
- Voice Recorder
- Weather
- Web Media Codec Plugin
- WebP Image Codec Plugin
- Windows Mail
- Windows Store App
- Xbox Console Companion
- Xbox Identity Provider
- Your Phone

Torrent – Click Here
DL.s1 – Click Here
DL.s2 – Click Here
DL.s1[500MB] – Click Here
Mega[500MB] – Click Here
install Notes
Use your favorite USB app to create a bootable usb drive
Need to prepare your computer driver before installing this build.
After installing, restart the computer about 2-3 times to optimize it.
Installation Method
- Ventoy
- Rufus
Does Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,Lan and other wireless connections works on this build? please reply