Plot. In 2011, five years after the events of Dead Rising, former motocross champion Chuck Greene is in the fictional casino town of Fortune City, Nevada, to take part in Terror Is Reality, a controversial sports entertainment game show where contestants kill zombies for money and fame.
DL(4GB) – Click Here
DL(2GB) – Click Here
Repack Features
game is already cracked after installation (crack by Prophet). Included DLC: (DR2) Ninja Skills Pack, Psychopath Skills Pack, Soldier of Fortune Pack, Sports Fan Skills Pack; (DR2 OTR) BBQ Chef Skills Pack, COSPLAY Skills Pack, Firefighter Skills Pack, Cyborg Skills Pack.
- Included content: Dead Rising 2 + Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.
- Upload size / to download: 8926MB
- ISO image size: 8926MB
- Number of compressions: only one
- Data recovery: none
- Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish + unofficial: German, Czech, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil (PL/CZ – without Off the Record)
- Dubbing/Audio: English